Since my last post was August 28th I was wondering whether I would ever blog again.
We are always busy, but the last 6 weeks have been very very very busy.
The Sisters were here from England for the first 2 weeks of September. The first weekend we drove up to Bar Harbor and had a really nice weekend up there with them. Next time we are going to take our bikes and drive on some of the carriage roads there. We did a lot of walking on them with the Sisters.
The last week of September I was in CA for an offsite and then in San Diego CA again the following week for an HR Forum. The following week, another 2 days on Cape Cod for another offsite and this week, 2 days in RI for the NEHRA conference.
As I unpacked my suitcase last night . . . .
I WONDERED, "How did I make it through the last 6 weeks with that kind of schedule?" One foot in front of another foot, one day at a time, because for the most part I really enjoy what I am doing, because I like to be busy, this time of year at work is offsite time.
So since I have been out of town . . .
I WONDER "What dropped that normally would have happened?" There was a shift as I walked into the house last night. I don't have a trip planned for a couple of weeks. This weekend so far has been busy but relaxing at the same time. The dog got walked, THANKS ROD, the mail was retrieved and I am sort of caught up on emails. BUT, I have not sewn at all, and our fridge has next to nothing in it.
Eileen's family had a surprise birthday party for her 50th birthday today. A group of us hung around in the mid 80s. 4 of us were at the party, and of course we had to tell all of the old stories. It was really fun to see all of them.
One big unmet need is that I have not been up to Vermont to see our new nephew, Thomas Henry Russell born September 22nd, named after both grandfathers who have both died. Within the next few weeks, we must get up there.
WONDERING, Thursday night I went to bed before the Sox game was over. I had to be at the conference early the next day, and this was my thinking "If they win, I will be really happy to hear it the next day, and if they lose, I would be really irritated that I had stayed up to watch." I guess I am a fickle fan, but I was really happy when I heard.
SO, I sit watching the 6th game of the ALCS. The Sox are ahead 10-2, I could probably go to sleep right now, but I won't. There is no suspence tonight for this game. They have it wrapped up. Tomorrow night will be another late night for the 7th game.
I am planning my next knitting project. It will probably be one from my new knitting book "Jackets for Work and Play - The best of Knitters".
Glad to be back