I think my blogging frequency has decreased since I got my ipad for sure but that is not the only reason I have been absent. For the last two months, I have spent a lot of time making a HUGE decision. People who knew me in 2005 will say "yeah, yeah, yeah, you retired once before". I am retiring to figure out what to do in my retirement. December 23rd will be my last day at Intuit. . Past posts here all say that I think Intuit it is Great Place to Work and it is. Why then am I leaving this Great Place to Work? Am I crazy to be giving up a good job with a Great company? Yes and No!
A few events in the last few months have caused me to re-evaluate my priorities, and to think a lot about what is important in life. This could be a mid-life crisis, but it does not feel like a crisis. Rather it feels like an opportunity. After 20 years in HR where I have helped a lot of people, coached a lot of managers and employees, conducted a lot of training sessions etc. it is time to take a breathe and take care of me. My wonderful husband said during this past two months "You cannot help getting involved in peoples' lives. That is what you do." Yes, that is what I do.
So my next opportunity will involve people, it will involve my Unitarian Universalist Principles, it will probably not be full-time, but who knows. My thoughts right now is that it will be non-profit work empowering young women. Stay tuned here as I travel on this journey and explore this wonderful opportunity.
I have been doing a lot of thinking to come to this decision, and a lot of counting my blessings. I don't need anything else in this holiday season to be fulfilled.