Friday, October 6, 2017

How NOT to buy a LOTTO ticket

I have been following the story of Blue Paddle Bistro and their Dog Lotto ticket and the tickets go on sale today October 6th.  I actually have a TODO on my calendar to "Buy Lotto Ticket"

As I left at 8:30 to go buy a LOTTO ticket this morning, my dear husband asked "Do you know where to go buy one?"

With snark in my voice I said "Of course I do, Kerry's Kwik Stop down the street must sell them."

They are the closest to us so a 5 minute walk later and a scan of the store revealed that they DO NOT sell LOTTO tickets.

Googled "VT Lotto tickets" and found out that King Street Deli sells LOTTO.  Another 7 min walk later and a small wait in line.

"We do not have the new dog LOTTO ticket yet, but Hannafords sells a lot of tickets."

OK, now I need the car because I cannot walk miles to buy this damn ticket so 5 minutes later I am in the car.

Champlain Farms on Main Street MUST have the new tickets.  NOPE, they don't have them yet.

In rush hour traffic (rush hour for BTV) I drove 3 miles to Hannafords.  Waited in line again and asked the wonderful customer service person.

"Oh yes, in that machine over there, just make sure to only put what money you want in because it does not return change."

"How much are they?"

"2 dollars I think"

Good I have two 1-dollar bills, and after the machine rejected them a few times I was golden to buy a ticket

"Number 16" the wonderful customer service person said from behind her desk.

I pushed Number 16 and got a CAT LOTTO ticket not the Blue Paddle Dog LOTTO ticket I was trying to buy.  Everybody knows that I don't really like cats.  Stocking stuffer for a cat loving family member perhaps.  They have to sell out all the CAT tickets before the DOG ticket is in the machine.

How can you FAIL at buying the LOTTO  ticket you want 4 times in 30 minutes?

So, I won't be one of the first people to post a selfie of themselves with a Blue Paddle Dog LOTTO ticket, but now I have bought a LOTTO ticket which was not true before today.  A CAT one but nevertheless a LOTTO ticket.