Saturday, February 3, 2018

Remembering Denny Davidoff

We just finished watching the live stream of the Memorial Service for Denny Davidoff.  At our first General Assembly in 2000 in Nashville she was the moderator and she was spectacular.  I did not realize at the time how lucky we were to have her as our introduction to the messy process of our denomination as we conduct our annual business.

The most memorable story pertained to the youth.  Youth Caucus returned to their hotel the night before and had seen some homeless people and they were very upset.  At midnight they collected money from among themselves, went shopping, and delivered the food to a homeless shelter.

The next morning they asked to speak before the Assembly, and Denny allowed them to.  They told their story and she said "Let me get this right, you recognized a need at midnight, collected the funds necessary, shopped and delivered it by 4am all without a Committee meeting?"  Of course they answered yes.

In that moment she impacted a whole generation of youth because she listened to them and recognized them and in her incredible skillful way she also sent a message to the rest of us who insist on Committee meetings to get work done.

I saw her at every other General Assembly I went to and her presence was always wise, and measured and definite and influencing.  I had to watch the service today because of the impact she had on me in my very first General Assembly.  I will miss Denny although I was not very close to her.  That did not matter, just watching her from afar,  has informed my life.