Yesterday on the bike path, I came across this thought. Some days I can set a very long goal for myself and know that I will have no trouble accomplishing it. For instance, today it is to the Bedford end and back. Other days I need little tiny milestones/goals. For instance, to Bedford Street, and then to Dow Ave, and then to Bedford Street again.
I was trying to figure this out last night as I was in the middle of a "little tiny milestones" bike ride. I always worry that I will get a flat and be stuck, and BTW, I have never gotten a flat, so this is just needless worry. When I am time constrained, I do the little tiny goals
I think some of this is that my iPod is broken, and that is such a nice distraction and makes me feel like I can ride forever, because the music will never stop.
So it is like life; isn't it all like life. Yesterday my little tiny goals were to get a birthday card, check out the pay tool, and remember to ask Esther to sign the 3 new hires in on Monday. And my long term goals for yesterday were to continue progress on virtual work project, get ready for all of the calibrations that are coming up, and patiently wait until I can get up to Coniston.
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