So this is a looming personal growth opportunity for me . . .
Last year at General Assembly in Fort Lauderdale, I attended a session delivered by a man, Tom Dewolf, whose family were slave traders and slave owners. I bought his book and it sat about 75% read, beside my bed.
After the sermon at FPLEX yesterday by David Pettee (David gave a session at GA in 2007), I got home, and made a bee line for the book and nearly finished it.
I think some of my delay in finishing it is, now I have to do something more. The book is the intellectual task. Now I need to really face the fact that my family as well, were slave traders and slave owners.
The minister yesterday and the author of the book made the trip to Ghana to see where the slaves left on ships to come to the US.
I think eventually I need to do that as well, but before that there is lots of research I need to do. Some of this I did last night with my brother, asking him questions about Hugh Hall who was a rum runner aka slave trader. I am a seventh generation Sarah Hall, and am descended from Hugh Hall.
I actually have the bed that Hugh Hall brought from Barbados for his daughter, the first Sarah.
So, as I said this is looming over me, and I need to make some plans.
Hi Sally, I'm glad to hear this issue is "looming" over you. Did we meet in Fort Lauderdale? I was so pleased with the turnout and enthusiasm there. And now your hearing my good friend (and distant cousin) Dave Pettee. It would appear the universe is conspiring to get your attention.
In my experience, I've found this journey to be hopeful rather than daunting for the most part... and quite healing when we willingly face the truth of our collective and personal history. I wish you well on your journey.
If you or any of your readers want to learn more they can visit my website at and from there can also find my blog.
Best wishes to you!
Thomas N. DeWolf
author, Inheriting the Trade
Tom, thanks for your note. You were mobbed at the end of your session, so we did not have a chance to meet. Since my blog post, I have found an online guide for the dvd at the UUA website. Our church also started a Facebook group to find out who wants to get involved and start this work. I think I can contribute by facilitating the multi-session process from the UUA. Again, thanks for replying and for getting me started on this journey.
Hi Sally, My friend Susan Hutchison and I are working on a book and are listening to folks to hear their stories about family who were slave holders and/or slave traders. Would you be interested in participating?
Dave Pettee
I would love to participate in this book, and just tried to email you but it was returned with your out of office. Hopefully you will read this and get back to me.
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