Yesterday, I attended the annual meeting of the 128 Business Council. Intuit belongs, so we get an invite. This group provides a shuttle to Alewife to our office park, and will soon provide one from Waltham Center (Commuter Rail) to our office park.
The person who heads up road construction projects for Waltham gave an update. He was an excellent presenter and gave me lots of data I have never had about this bridge update. I still marvel that this project can take 9+ years (stalled with bad construction company for 4). It is supposed to be done Fall 2011.
Almost his entire presentation was pictures, of the update, he was very articulate and it eased my worry about never being able to drive to work for 10 minutes, without driving through 4 construction zones.
The other thing I realized at this meeting is how happy my job makes me. I love to come to work casually dressed. There were lots of suits at this meeting, Property management suits. I felt pretty under-dressed, but happy.
Last week, the Waltham PD came to video tape a Safe Biking session. I think about riding my bike to work a lot, but the last mile, either way I come is very dangerous. A biker pulled in front of me today, GOING THROUGH A RED LIGHT. Good thing I was paying attention. I would not be that kind of bike rider. I am a bike path bike rider so traffic freaks me out, coz I am not used to it. I may get up the courage to ride my bike though, which means I need to bring it back from Coniston.
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