Friday, January 25, 2013

Life size Settlers Game

Just now, while trying to find a new facebook profile picture, I happened upon some great pictures of this last past Labor Day at Coniston.  BTW, I did not find a profile picture, because now that I have a new camera I am usually behind the camera, not in front of it.

Brother Mike and sister in law Peg had a wonderful party early in August during which they installed a life size settlers game on their property.  They were kind enough to bring it up to Coniston on Labor Day and we installed it there.  For those of you who are addicted to Settlers of Catan you will totally understand what you are looking at.  For the rest of you wikipedia might be a good resource to understand the game.

Mind you, we spent most of the time setting this game up it was pretty dark by the time we started playing.  Coming from a family of engineers, that did not deter this group, they strung up some lights so we could keep playing.

So this was our robber, and when you move the robber you move the wagon he sits in.  Yes, it did almost tip over once or twice.
Here is an overhead shot, where you can see some of the resources.  The little flags were the roads and the taller flags were settlements or cities.
And as it became darker, some lights

I think everyone is imitating Mr Bear, aka The robber.

Rod fertilized the hexagons, so hopefully next spring the game will still occupy our front lawn up there.  In the meantime, we can dream about warmer days and nights as the temperature this weekend at Coniston is below zero.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mobile phones and technology - Who else thinks about these things?

Maybe not every body, but I am sure some of you have done the following:
  1. Sent a text and then put the phone to your ear to talk expecting a call to have been made
  2. Tried to turn the cable box off with your cell phone
  3. Looked for your cell phone while you are talking on it
I regularly do the second two things on this list, and just now I did the first one, which was a first for me.

With all the technology we have for someone easily dis tractable, I get confused.  Every time I try to turn off the cable box with my phone, I think that someone should invent this feature.  Actually, someone probably already has invented this, but it has to be a one click feature.  It cannot involve getting into an App.

Now that I think about it, I have another technology desire which I think is being worked on by smart people.  I pay for my coffee right now through the Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts preloaded cards on my iPhone.  Starbucks has had this for a few years and I was an early adopter of that App and DD just released it at the end of last year.

I would like ONE APP, which allows me to pay for everything, everywhere from my phone.  Because of the Starbucks and DD apps, and being able to pay by phone, I have left my house a few times with just my phone and no other means of payment.  Unfortunately for those who live with me, I can only buy coffee if I forget my wallet.  Starbucks and DD have lulled me into being able to leave with just my phone. 

How soon will we be able to pay with just a chip implanted inside our body somewhere.  Maybe I should have asked the wrist surgeon this when she put the plate in my wrist.