Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mobile phones and technology - Who else thinks about these things?

Maybe not every body, but I am sure some of you have done the following:
  1. Sent a text and then put the phone to your ear to talk expecting a call to have been made
  2. Tried to turn the cable box off with your cell phone
  3. Looked for your cell phone while you are talking on it
I regularly do the second two things on this list, and just now I did the first one, which was a first for me.

With all the technology we have for someone easily dis tractable, I get confused.  Every time I try to turn off the cable box with my phone, I think that someone should invent this feature.  Actually, someone probably already has invented this, but it has to be a one click feature.  It cannot involve getting into an App.

Now that I think about it, I have another technology desire which I think is being worked on by smart people.  I pay for my coffee right now through the Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts preloaded cards on my iPhone.  Starbucks has had this for a few years and I was an early adopter of that App and DD just released it at the end of last year.

I would like ONE APP, which allows me to pay for everything, everywhere from my phone.  Because of the Starbucks and DD apps, and being able to pay by phone, I have left my house a few times with just my phone and no other means of payment.  Unfortunately for those who live with me, I can only buy coffee if I forget my wallet.  Starbucks and DD have lulled me into being able to leave with just my phone. 

How soon will we be able to pay with just a chip implanted inside our body somewhere.  Maybe I should have asked the wrist surgeon this when she put the plate in my wrist.


susanb said...

I think they already have - it's called google wallet. However, the seller has to be equipped to handle it. I heard about it on Marketplace Money.

B Nanny said...

Not exactly up-to-date technology, but I regularly (2 times a week or more) try to open my house or office door with my car remote.

- B