About 10 years ago, as we examined our needs and desires for Christmas Rod said "All I want for Christmas is for bags of trash to leave the house." Since then, whenever I am in a cleaning mood and walk through our front room on the way to the bin or with a bag on its way to a charity, I wish him Merry Christmas. It is a silly thing, but it is still true, that we have very few material needs and what we need is simplicity, and pruning of material possessions.
Partly because Rod just retired and partly because of the time of year, we have spent the last two days getting lots of trash out of the house. We are setting up my old sewing room as Rod's art studio and I am moving my fabric into the guest room built in wardrobe. My sewing machine will be kept in a cupboard in the kitchen/living room, because this is where I sew. It is sunny, I can watch TV and this is where people are.
In the process, I am packing all of Bethany's possessions into boxes and most of her stuff is now tucked into a closet in the guest room. It feels so good for the three of us to clean out stuff and sort the house out.
Funny story, Bethany had a friend in grade school who came for a play date, and we were moving furniture from the front living room to the family room. A month later, we decided we did not like it so we were moving it back. Bethany had another play date with the same friend who said "Does your family always move furniture around?" Well, I guess we do, I guess we are always changing things and trying to make our house work better.
So about 10 bags of clothes to Goodwill and trash have been packed up and the carrying through the front room is always accompanied by a "Merry Christmas!" I guess we can have Christmas in July and every other month of the year if we want.
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