Thursday, October 2, 2014

Online photo-a-day class

I signed up for an online class run by a friend.  She sends out a one word prompt for each day and all of the members post their photo in a closed Facebook group.  It has been just over a week since this started and I am really enjoying it so far.

I find myself looking at the world in a different way.  Before this, I often saw an image that would make a great quilt.  Now I see things through the prompts.  "That would make a great picture for yesterday's GOLDEN prompt."

The first day, I tried to get into a routine and take a morning meditative walk, looking for inspiration for the daily prompt.  That routine lasted one day.  I should know better than to try to introduce a rigorous routine into my day.  My myers-briggs personality is much more go with the flow.  What has worked really well is to have the prompt in my mind for the day.

With GOLDEN, I was shopping with a friend and took a ton of pictures of yellowy golden items.  They would have been OK, but on a walk with Rod and Bethany this man got off the bus and put his umbrella up.  That was GOLDEN.  Rod and Bethany thought I was crazy, whipping out my iPhone to take a picture of what.  What is Mom up to now?

Rod once told me that he likes to learn one new thing a year and I have adopted that as well.  This year I am going to learn from this class and it will increase my spirituality as well.  The creation of my theology is sparked by connections between myself and others, and this is already happening within our Facebook group.  Stay tuned for more blog posts as this class continues.

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