Saturday, October 29, 2016

Don't fly American Airlines

Worst customer service experience ever!
I will NEVER fly American Airlines again after our experience this morning.  When I booked the flight from Bradley International I did not have the choice to fly JetBlue straight to Miami, the only airline with that option was American Airlines.

We got to the airport at 4:45 am and it was already chaos.  It was not clear which line to get into AND we had already checked in online.  After getting in one line which seemed like the right one we were guided to the kiosk line to pay the $25 per checked bag and then got into the LONG line we had just left for dropping our bags.  The belt was broken so after waiting 45 minutes to drop our bags we carried them to the x-ray machine ourselves.

People dropping their bags were going down the middle of the kisosks WITH their bags, bumping into the people WITH bags paying the $25/bag.

Two AA employees "helpers" told us two different lines to get into. The employees were not even clear on the process.  If their process was not soooo broken these employees could have helped out in other areas.

When we complained to the two TSA agents they both said "I blame American"!

 I asked the AA employees at the gate who to talk to in the airport and there was no one, go to, which I did and got an automatic email.  Empty gesture!

I also tweeted about my horrible experience and got an automatic email back from @AmericanAir.  Empty gesture!

Just now on the flight they interrupted us to try to sell their frequent flyer package to which I burst out laughing. Free bag check, Group 1 boarding, blah blah blah.  JetBlue has free first bag for EVERYONE, individual TV with many options, free wifi, blue chips, friendly flight attendants, and from now on my business!

I have made a point of only flying JetBlue and I will be going back to that practice after today.  Poor service should not be rewarded with repeat business. I cannot that this company is the largest airline.  A Fortune article I just read said they are #11 for the WORST airline experience.  Way to go American Airlunes! Sad that you abuse and treat so many people inadequately.  There are other options people.......

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