Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fox and Geese

Did you play this game in the snow as a kid? We did, but apparently I failed as a mother because my oldest had never played until Sunday when we played at Coniston. Yes, imagine mostly 50+ adults on a very mishappen diagram running around on their creaky joints.

It was part of our impromptu winter olympics which included cross country skiing, bocce, kickers(sp?) (aka horse shoes) and snow shoeing.

Needless to say it was fun and brought back childhood memories. We did not follow the same rules as when we were kids but the Internet is wonderful for finding rules to all kinds of games.

We added snow balls to the mix since some of us don't run so fast so you could tag someone with a snow ball.

Fun was had by all and C has played fox and geese now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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