Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm just Saying - have you done these?

OK, I know that some of you have done some of these. I have done all of them:

  • Tried to move stuff on my computer screen the way I do on my iPhone with my finger across the screen

  • Undo my seat belt in the car and assume I also opened the door, so was surprised when the door was still shut as I pushed my shoulder into it

  • Picked up my iPhone to change the channel on my TV

  • Searched all over the house looking for my phone, when I was talking on it

  • Put the channel clicker up to my ear to make a phone call

  • Tried to use my iPhone as my mouse (I hear that you can buy an App for this)
What other do you have to add to this list, if you have any idea what I am talking about?

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