Monday, October 27, 2014


Our tour company Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) has an online area where people share information.  One tidbit shared was; whenever you leave the bus and are headed to the WC have three this with you, a 1 dirham coin, toilet paper and purel.

This was such good advice for the countless trips to the WC.  Even if you forgot your coin, or paper or purel, the others would bail you out and lend you one of the three.  

I was a bit nervous about the toilets and I did not need to be.  I only once had to use a squatting one and the ones I used were "pretty" clean.  It was just not an issue for me.

On my return to the U.S. I actually miss tipping the attendant.  Oh sure, I could tip them and will when there is one but in Morocco, even if the attendant were not there, a dish was, or our group looked for a dish.  It became so expected and routine for all of us.

Two clever entrepreneurs, removed our 1 dirham coins immediately as we placed them in the dish, and left a 10 dirham coin in the dish, hoping we would see just the 10 and think we should leave another 10 dirham for them.

Bottom line is we should tip well the workers who clean our johns and keep our WCs supplied with paper and soap, no matter what country we are in and no matter whether there is a dish there or not.  Just my opinion.


ConsiderTheSource said...

Good point, Sally. Our restroom workers are certainly not well paid and would appreciate a little extra for the unpleasant job they do (I was going to say crappy, but..........).

And sometimes having the paper doled out in 3 sheet bits was thought provoking - made me think of the miles of TP we flush down the john.

But I must say, I'm really glad our toilets here have free TP. Really really glad.

ConsiderTheSource said...

btw, this is Gwen