Friday, March 17, 2023

But what do I say to them?

 An author friend of mine suggested I write a blogpost about this so here goes.

At First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington Vermont, since last October, every Sunday morning from 8-9am we have been having Sunday Morning Breakfast. This came about because the Meetinghouse Grounds group was meeting and two members said, "Not very many places serve meals to unhoused, or anyone else who shows up, on Sunday morning."

That was all a couple of us needed to set the wheels in motion.  Since October we have been there EVERY Sunday morning, even Christmas and New Years.  

We have a signup for congregants to make sandwiches, boil a dozen eggs, bring bananas etc.  One member also started collecting warm clothing when the Minister's husband handed his hat to a person one morning during a cold December day.

A few people have signed up to hand out the food and their question is "What do I say to them?"  At first I was also a bit uncomfortable about what to say as I handed out food, but my friend Sal is a model for connecting with everyone.  Her opening is often "I am Sal....." and usually the person will say their name.  

Sal and Bernie serving hot soup

It is more than that though.  It is greeting someone as a welcome friend, as you would greet anyone else you meet inside the building at social hour.  It is greeting them as though you will become their friend, as though they could teach you something important for you to know. It is conveying to them that they matter in order to make sense of this often crazy world. 

Some of them are disheveled or may have mental health challenges or have just spent a cold night outside AND they are part of our beloved community. We pass them on Church Street every day or walk past them sitting on benches in City Hall Park and they matter.  We all do. 

And they will become my friend and I will learn an incredible amount from them.  I just finished reading "What Happened to You" because a Sunday Morning Breakfast friend recommended it to me.  It has helped me immensely with past trauma in my life.  

SO, What do you? " Good Morning, glad you are here.  My name is Sarah.  (PAUSE........ ) Would you like a cup of coffee?"