Friday, September 10, 2010

Doing more of what you want to do

Doing more of what you want to do, came up as a theme at our most recent covenant group.  This cause me to think about whether I am actively doing this or not.  The answer is maybe and maybe not. 

I very deliberately decided that this summer I would play a lot more golf than in recent summers.  I held true to this and played at least twice a week with two different groups.  I played at 7:04am yesterday morning, and on my drive home I fantasized about dropping by Pine Meadows to play another 9 holes for the day.  It is getting too late to play after work, BOO HOO, but watch out for next summer.  I will be upping the ante on golf.

I want to get more exercise, and this is a tricky one.  It needs to be built into my schedule or it slips away.  If I walk right after I get home, and get into that habit I will probably be successful.  If I wait and pretend that I am going to walk after dinner, the probability of success decreases.  Remember, I am a morning person.

Lately, because of a certain day in September when our son gets married, I have been preoccupied with wedding stuff, so my quilting has been dormant.  Need to get back to that after the wedding.

In terms of volunteer activities, I am doing what I like to do there.  I am on the board of Star Island Corporation, and hopefully having an impact keeping our beloved spiritual community viable for my grandchildren.

Yes, and at work, I am doing what I want to do.  I still love my job after 3.75 years and cannot imagine even looking for another job.  Oh, there are some days when it is not terrific, but compared to where I might be, this is perfect for me.

The older I get, the more I do what I want to do.  I have less tolerance for obligations or mediocre activities.  Should a, could a, would a, do not do much for me.  So, more golf, more quilting, more exercise, more Coniston, more family and friends and less of everything else . . .

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