Wednesday, December 25, 2013

December 2013

Happy holidays everyone,

This turned out to be a banner year for Sally and Rodney although neither of us can take much credit for the timing of the two major events that shaped our lives at the end of 2013 and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As we reported would happen in last year's letter Rodney was 'severed' from Fidelity as his job moved to North Carolina in September. He is still getting used to the idea that this may really be an early retirement. The coincidental arrival of Sarah Hazel Swartzbaugh (aka Zuzu) on the same day Rodney retired was something we did not know about as we were writing last year. She is a 9th generation Sarah.  Our photo collage has a picture of 4 Sarahs, one on a screen from California.  Needless to say we are very very happy here at 22 Hayes Lane.

We spent a good part of the year looking forward to the arrival of grandchild #1 and it has proven every bit as wonderful and exciting as we expected. When the time came she took her own sweet time in coming but even her poor Mom, Meg, would agree that she was worth the wait. If her two grandmothers have anything to do with it she is going to the world's most photographed baby. Although she the most precious thing in the world and well worth photographing.  BTW, Sally is borrowing her grandmother name from my French Canadian friend Kris, which is Mémère pronounced (mem-meh). Rodney is Granda, which follows his Blair/Lowe traditions.

Spending time at 'Coniston', our Vermont home, has allowed us to see lots of her even if it is still never enough.  Her mom and dad coordinated a switch in their jobs as they planned for her arrival, with Chris getting a promotion to Operations manager with Citizens bank which means that although he is the road a lot visiting bank all over Vermont and New Hampshire he does get to work from home some of the time. Meg is taking a nice three month long break (nice for the US I mean, it not quite as civilized as Europe) and will be moving to a more predictable 9-5 job in the new year. I understand both Grandmothers will be getting 'permission slips' in their Christmas Stockings which will allow them to take ZuZu out of daycare.  

ZuZu's arrival was the prefect way to take Rodney's mind of what retirement means as did a couple of weeks suffering through his 4th Kidney stone. As we write, the stone has been blasted with lasers and he will be returning to hospital on the Dec 24 for the final step in the process of that troublesome little event.

We just got back from a week in southern Florida visiting Sally's sister Dau and family in Cape Coral as well as her Mom and Charlie in Vero Beach.   This was Sally’s third trip to visit family and friends in Florida this year.  Since September 30th, we have also taken two road trips in New England.  It does feel strange to not have to arrange traveling around a 5 day work schedule.  I think we will get used to it.  And we are preparing to leave on Christmas day for a UK trip, spending a few days in London catching up with friends Andy, Miriam and Jake, who moved there a few years ago, and then north to visit Rod’s family.

Retirement plans for Rodney involve much more art and travel wrapped around a good amount of grand parenting.  We both remain involved with the First Parish choir and Sally also sings in a group that serves hospice patients which complements her other volunteer role as a hospice volunteer. Rodney remains involved with Communities Without Borders supporting Zambian Aids orphans (see cuddle dolls in collage) and has began working with a local group doing 'barn raisings' to help insulate houses of poor neighbors. Sally entered her 5th year on the board of the Star Island Corporation which means we had an extra couple of trips out to Star Island this year for official meetings (as a 'hanger on' Rodney just got to relax and read for a few days).

Bethany and her boyfriend Bryan moved from Watertown to Somerville and both moved into new jobs. She is still Director of Social Action at First Parish in Concord but also now runs their youth programs. So between her now full time job at Concord and classes at Divinity school Bethany is a busy lady. Bryan is now playing in two bands and Sally and Rodney bring the average age up when we go hear him play.  Recently we went to Johnny D's in Somerville to an all Monkees show.  9 bands playing 2-3 songs each.  Sally and Bryan's mother Linda, sang along with a lot of the songs.

It would be remiss to end without mentioning the sad events of the Boston Marathon this year. None of us were directly impacted but as was everyone else in the Boston area we were all impacted by the subsequent (and some of us would say over reaching) police action in the area. Living in Watertown, Bethany was the closest to many of the events of the final day's wild end. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who were injured by the two blasts near the finish line. We remain Boston Strong.

Last weekend we celebrated an early Christmas in VT with Swartzbaughs, Lowes and Russells.  This is our second annual early celebration complete with stockings, eggs benedict and staying in our PJs all day.  It was great to watch to snow come down and have no where to go.  Zuzu played with her favorite present, which was some wrapping paper (see picture in collage).

We have been blessed this year in so many ways, for which we are grateful. Our blessings go out to all of our friends and relatives for 2014 and hope the new year brings you happiness, love and satisfaction in abundance.

Love Sally and Rodney

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