Thursday, January 3, 2008

Alert the Media - Jacket Reunion

I must say that I am getting very excited about our upcoming jacket reunion. This was Liz's idea and Jane implemented the idea.

A bit of background, for those who are unaware, a few years ago Amy and I discovered a wonderful woman in Acton, who designed a quilted jacket. One December, Amy and I went to her yearly sale and I bought a kit of fabric and pattern, and one snowy day a few weeks later the first jacket was hatched. I wore the jacket into church one evening and Nancy admired it. I mentioned that we could have an adult ed class making the jacket and we did. 10 of us were involved in the first class and we gave a summer worship service that next summer. Since then we had 2 more formal classes at church. We have also auctioned a jacket at the last 5 service auctions.

SO this Saturday, thanks to Jane and Liz, we are having a reunion potluck with as many of the jacketeers as we can get together with their families. My friend Cindy is coming from Mansfield and spending the night. She is in the middle of her 8 or 9th jacket.

My crazy idea is to post a slide show of jackets that have been made, so being last minute, I started last night collecting any digital images that I have taken. It is too last minute to have this ready for Saturday, so I'll bring what I have, take a "few" more pictures and find a place to post them to the web.

My long term dream is to have each person write a little blurb about what the jacket means to them and collect these where we post the pictures.

Here are a few pictures, AND there will be many more later.

Above is Sister-in-law Judy with her "New Year's Eve" jacket, and the original . . .

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