Saturday, September 13, 2008

It still feels like vacation

As we drove up last night to Coniston, it still feels like we are going on vacation whenever we come up here. The last 2 weeks, have been very busy with the SISTERS visit from England. That is why there have not been any posts. We spent 5 days with them here over Labor day, on vacation. It was great to share with them our new place.

Each time we visit Vermont I practice and try on living here. I know when the time is right we will live here full time. I still like a visitor and we have not really gotten to know the neighbors. It is not like Lexington where we plugged into a community through the school.

Tomorrow we are going to the Burlington Vermont UU church. Beginning of the church year and all, and we hope to plug into that as our community.

While we are on vacation, the Lexington house is suffering from lack of attention on the weekends, and Coniston got a really good cleaning today with a couple of months of accumulated cobs webs. Someone told me that cob webs are the sign of a healthy house. We have a very healthy house up here.

When it stops feeling like vacation, I guess we will be living here full time. Until then, we have a lot more vacation than every before.

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