Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lining up my knitting projects

It is like clockwork, when the temperatures dip, I start lining up my knitting projects for the winter. I am nearly done with a sweater that I started last December. It is a jacket in garter stitch with some green yarn that BEL gave me for Christmas last year. For a long time, this project was stalled because the cast on is a really weird, but this weekend, on the car trip to Vermont I broke through. It is nearly done, but that does not mean that it might not sit unfinished for months.

I have wanted to knit wool slippers for Coniston and have been thinking about a Lopi yarn pattern for slippers. Tonight I browsed through my binder of sock patterns, found the Lopi pattern and off I go. I am obsessive so I will probably be knitting a few pairs of these over the next month or so. After all, guests at Coniston during the winter need their own pair of knitted slippers, n'est ce pas?

After that, I want to knit myself another Jaegar jacket and Judy has been making a pattern of a basket weave sweater that I want to use.

It is winter, and the projects are lining up.

1 comment:

Always Asking Why said...

BTW, I knew this would happen, I found some yarn for an entirely different sweater and now just need a pattern. This is why I have 10 projects going at once