Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Children's librarians should like children

Rant alert!

Today I went to the library to see Ed Emberley. Who remembers him? I asked his wife when his first book was published. 1961!

While there I witnessed an interaction that makes me sad. The event was for 1-5 grade and one mother had two older children and a 3 year old.

The Children's librarian almost did not let the family in. The three year old tolerated 30 minutes of the hour program. At this point she started getting fidgety, but was making no more noise than other kids, or to be honest, some parents talking.

At this point the Librarian came over and in a loud, not library voice, said "You must take her out now!". I was embarrassed for the mother and child.

I wonder if the mother had been a privileged Caucasian McMansion (yes I am using that as an adjective) mother, whether the Librarian would have confronted the mother.

Some of my good friends are librarians, and they are excluded from this comment. In my experience librarians are rule followers, and many of them appear to not like their job. They appear cranky and angry.

This librarian today was just looking for the 3 year old to be a 3 year old. Does she want this child to enjoy the library and have a positive experience? I think Children's librarians as a pre-requisite should understand and like children, and understand parents and multiple children families. And they should not intentionally embarrass children or parents. Ok, I often live in an ideal world.

Rant over!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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