Friday, July 6, 2012

Don't know whether I am more SAD or MAD right now

I have been tutoring a woman for the last year. We meet once a week, at the Waltham Library and we have been learning about GED stuff recently.

A few weeks ago, she was very reticent, and did not want to meet but finally today we met. Her brother was taken by ICE three weeks ago, at 6:30 am in the morning in front of his 8 year old daughter. She and her husband fear for themselves as do her entire community. 4 others have been taken in the last few weeks, for stupid reasons. One was talking outside on his mobile, and the agents said he scratched a car that was parked close to him. Bullshit. They are inventing reasons to arrest people and then asking for their paperwork. I would not be asked! Something she said brought me to tears, "We are not criminals, we are hard workers." I said back, "Yes, you clean our houses, mow our lawns and take care of our elderly in nursing homes."

I was at GA in Phoenix, and we attended the vigil at the tent city there. Somehow, when this is happening in our backyard, literally, it makes it that much more personal.

I am so sad, and so angry that our government has such a broken immigration policy and that these inhumane practices are being allowed to continue.

So, I am about to leave for a wonderful week on Star Island, and that will leave me lots of opportunity to get even more reeved up about this issue. All I can say is when you attack my friends, ones who I have grown to love over the last year, you have poked the sleeping lioness, and you will be sorry.

We have a broken immigration policy and officials are doing their job to implement it, but they are breaking up families and leave a population in fear every day. Ones who have lived here for 27 years, or 19 years. Ones who have worked hard for the immigrant's dream of freedom.

This is not my United States of America.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Always Asking Why said...

I texted her (((((hugs))))) just now and she texted back, "thanks my best friend". That again brought me to tears that because I listened to her story and am willing to witness, advocate and fight for her, she is so touched! They don't know who to trust and who to tell. Like the man in Phoenix told us, "I am undocumented and I am I afraid,"