Many people described being a grand parent as the most wonderful experience. They did not use a lot of detailed description but there was that look in their eyes that indicated it was unique, unusual and indescribable.
Last Sunday morning, my mobile dinged, indicating a text, at 5:30 am. They were on their way to the hospital. I have been sleeping next to my mobile for a week just in case they texted in the middle of the night.
We were up and awake already so we stayed up to watch the sunrise at Coniston. The anticipation was similar to our own labor but obviously not as intense. We distracted ourselves with a ride up the Hero Islands over the bridge to Rousse's Point NY and back on the ferry to Mike and Pegs' and a dinner visit with cousins Linda and Becky. We contemplated going to Montreal but did not want to be that far away. As it turns out, we could have made that trip.
We then drove to Burlington and just caught George and Judy coming back from the airport. We had Old fashioneds with them at the Hotel Vermont and then we were invited to stay the night with them, in case there was a text in the middle of the night. Nothing overnight.
We spent Monday distracting ourselves again with shopping and Starbucks and long walks. We made lunch and in the middle of lunch we got the text "She's here".
My wonderful family can describe better my excitement but I was shaking so much I could not even compose the text to let my Mom and siblings know. I continued the message to them "Crick just texted me "She's here"". We texted back, can we visit, and 20 minutes later we were in the elevator of the hospital. I almost got on Fox TV as we were joined in the elevator by a hospital executive and the news crew. "We are new grand parents!" I blurted out. I had also told most of Church Street that I was about to be a grand mother.
As we entered the room, I will never forget the sight of my son holding his new daughter. Meg was exhausted and also looked lovingly at her husband holding their daughter. I have only held my two children in the first hour of their life so it was such an honor to be there. I got to hold her for a few minutes before handing her back to those capable hands of her father when she got fussy.
We have had two other visits since then including one with Bethany who drove up from Boston on Monday night. She was going to wait, but when we were there for the first time, her niece whimpered and she heard that. There was no stopping her from coming up as soon as she could.
We get daily texted pictures from Crick who has a permanent smile on his face as he watches Meg hold their daughter or he holds her himself.
This newly expanded family is settling into their new life with this little one. We are adjusting to having another dimension to our lives, this unconditional love and legacy of family, AND the birth of our grand daughter. The magnetic pull from Vermont which was already pretty strong just got stronger. I now understand that look in grandparent's eyes. I am starting to understand that this is a very different relationship that any I have had with anyone before.
If you wonder why I am Memere, that is the topic of another post.
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