Friday, November 9, 2007

Could we please not start with the scalpel?

For a bit of history, whenever a family member in our nuclear unit gets a spelck, splinter, sliver, and we need help getting it out, we go to Rod. We have affectionately started calling it surgery. Rod was a science major at University and has a well used disection kit. Last night when he pulled it out I asked "Are those disinfected?" No answer.

So I had something in my finger that we needed to do some surgery on, the kit came out and as he walked into the room, I said the title of this post. We both started laughing at the same time. That deep belly laugh that you almost don't recover from.

After the use of two sets of different size tweezers, out came the scapel.

I did not let him use it this time.

He is so patient with us as we yank away our hands or feet. More often than not the surgery is successful and sometimes he does use the scapel.

1 comment:

Rodney said...

... and it would be a damn sight easier on all of us if they would just let me do it quickly with the correct tool instead of slowly and painfully with the wrong one. I'm sure the shoirt sharp pain would be better than the long drawn out nitpicks.