Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Empty Nesting

Yesterday was the day that reality struck! It was not the day that Bethany moved out since she moved out the day before and that was happy and sad at the same time. No yesterday, Shakes the wonder cat moved to his new flat. He thought he was going on the 3.5 hour trip to Coniston, which is the usual trip in the car we take with him. He settled in on Bee's lap and was cleaning his paws when we pulled up on the street outside her new apartment. Head popped up, incessant meowing as we climbed the two flights, but I digress. ........

I think we have been partial empty nesters a few times before, but this time is for real. She has her own flat, she found it herself, and we will have to call her up to schedule time to see her.

In the last week, I realized I want to see her regularly so I suggested she could still come do her laundry here. Of course I gave her a mixed signal when I asked her if she wanted a small container of laundry detergent.

It has been a while since someone moved out permanently from our house. Chris moved out during college some time. That move out was not so clearly defined as this one. He was in college living in his frat, and stayed there after graduating, since his job was in Burlington, Vt.

So yesterday when I got back to the house, I vacuumed the cat hairs up from the carpet, cleaned out the front closet, mopped the kitchen floor and kept myself pretty busy.

I will miss having them both around. As much as I say I don't like cats, Shakes is different. He is more like a dog in that he greets you when you come in the front door, and wants cuddles, some times.

Bethany has been a joy to have around the house, in the snippets of her busy life that we have shared over the last four years since she went to college. She has cooked us lots of meals, organized the cabinets and fridge, and in general been a wonderful young adult with us. I am going to miss those snippets, and seeing her most every day. So it will be important to have "laundry" visits, and for me to have "Shakes" visits so I get my fix.

Yes, Virginia, we are empty nesters. Why then are we both thinking of getting a dog? HMMMM?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Sally, I loved this post. Thanks for sharing your feelings so honestly. And I hope that Bethany AND Shakes come to visit often!