Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Story Telling - Others' stories

I am a story teller and often it is not my story but some else's.

While on Star we sat at lunch with a man who had not been back to Star for 50 years. The last time on Star he was a Pelican (college age worker at Star). He talked about stepping back on the Island after 50 years and he had tears in his eyes as he tried to communicate that feeling. I noticed those tears and the level of conversation deepened. I of course had a million questions and in reporter mode I asked them. "Why did you take so long to come back?" "Have you thought of coming other years?" "What has changed?"

He answered them conversationally and I had his story near my heart. Later I talked to
other conferees, and staff about him. He was there for some of that and at one point called me his PR agent. His story touched me so much that I knew it had to be told and retold.

As a corporation, we are trying to get people back who love the Island and have wandered away for whatever reason.

Beautiful sunsets are icing on the cake
Rocks remembering those Shoalers we have lost
A result of me telling his story had an effect. There will probably be a newsletter article about his return in an upcoming Star Island newsletter, and he got the 50% past Pelican discount for coming back after an absence. BTW he his returning that discount around as an annual gift to the Island.

Lanterns in the Chapel
If you have been there you understand his tears when he told his story of stepping on the Pier. Some people tell their story, and others like me are so touched that we tell their story as well. This is one that stays and will stay close to my heart, and I will retell appropriately.

Star Island is our spirits home..........

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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