Monday, November 27, 2017

Playing music for Hospice Patients Using Youtube

There is a lot of research that using music with hospice and dementia patients accesses a part of their memory and brains which is very powerful.  I always ask patients what music they like to listen to and try to include that in the playlist that I bring to visit them.

Clearly this changes with each person you visit, and I do have a few that I play for almost everyone like "Amazing Grace" and "To My Old Brown Earth".  I also include Unitarian Universalist Hymns when I am visiting people from our denomination.

Here is how I manage my Favorites Folder in Youtube:

1) Login into Youtube
2) Search for an Artist or a Song you like and think the patient might like
3) When you find an arrangement of a song that you like click on the icon second from the rightunder the video screen with the horizontal lines and + sign:

This screen will appear and you can either add to a current play list of the last option is "+ Create New playlist":

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