Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I am definitely being tested

This is probably one of the busiest and most tense weeks, of my life. In a hotel room in CA yesterday morning at 5:30am (coz I am on EDT still) my computer blue-screened. I first heard the whir of the hard drive, said "Ut, oh" and proceeded to get a disk i/o error. Damn

Fortunately, Intuit has a terrific Help Desk and I am typing this on a loaner that I get to keep until I leave for the red eye.

On top of that, the hotel I am staying in has no WIFI that works anyway. So for three nights I have been without my personal email, facebook and other internet abilities.

I handled all of this pretty well, I think. The training that I had to conduct yesterday, we could do because the deck was stored centrally, and I can do without facebook. It actually is good practice to be dis-connected from the web. I went for a long walk last night instead and swam in the pool right outside my sliding glass door.

Why do these always happen at the busiest time? Mercury retrograde?????

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