Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rain, what Rain?

Honestly, and I am not in denial, I don't notice the weather. I guess this is a good thing in the middle of the winter or mud season at Coniston.

While in VT at VQF, it was only drizzily one day, but reading Facebook updates from my Beantown friends, there was a lot of grousing about the weather.

Maybe it is my old age, but "It is what it is!" I definitely cannot control this one.

I don't think twice about walking in the rain, and only take an umbrella if it is teeming down (Gordie term, and one my husband's family uses in torrential rain.)

I did not even notice that June has been wet, and that the sun has not been out.

Call me crazy, but with things like Iran to think about, and on my way to General Assembly, the weather is a hang nail that can be cut off.

I often pause when someone complains about the weather, because honestly, I have not noticed.

Sally being Sally!

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