Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Big company or small company person?

I had dinner with a friend tonight and one topic we discussed was working for a small or big company. As in many issues for me I am mixed. My first job out of college was as the 5th employee at a restaurant and we built it into a 65 employee business access two sites over two two years. I also worked at a startup (small company) right before Intuit (large company) and have worked at two other large companies, Polaroid and Smith & Nephew Endoscopy.

I am not sure but I think I prefer a small company. Right now I have the best of both worlds. Small business unit which is very entrepreneurial inside a large company. This might very well be why I often describe it as "I don't really feel like I am going to work!"

I do believe that usually people prefer one or the other. My dinner colleague is definitely a small company person.

What do you prefer? Do people stay in large companies for the security? Do they work in startups for the excitement and risk? Can you have the best of both worlds in the same company or am I being a polyanna about my current situation? Alway asking questions!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Always Asking Why said...

this is what I was talking about in this post,