Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Decaffeinated - what would that be like

I am spending this week in Orem, Utah with our sales people. As I did my coffee run just now (can you have a coffee run for one because NO ONE else here drinks coffee?) I wondered aloud what it would be like to live with coffee. I also wondered about what caffeine does to your body as my heart was racing 20 minutes after the infusion.

I observed my office mates this morning, and there were two who arrived on my heels at 7am. They seemed bright eyed and bushy tailed without java.

My body NEEDS coffee to wake up at this point and I know that is an addiction but not one I worry about just now!

I always say that coffee is the one vice I refuse to give up but I am reconsidering that today, but not really!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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