Thursday, July 22, 2010

Memories are just that - they are not fact

My wonderful son and I had a funny conversation about which apartment we lived in when Murg brought him the helicopter.  I have the advantage of age, which come to think about it may not be an advantage after all if senility has set in.  I was so sure about being right on this one we made a $100 bet.  We called Murg in the middle of the conversation and Chris asked him.  There is some deal going on between them, that Chris is paying Murg $75 to say it is the house Chris thinks it is.

Today on Face book, Murg attributes a phrase to Chris, that I am convinced he himself said.  It is a long story and the punch line is "Sally, could you please have another sip of coffee?"  OK, I was being really cranky on our Saturday errands driving around, and I actually did need another sip in order to be around any one else on the earth, and you all know how important it is for me to be around others.

I have told this story hundreds of times, and I have always attributed it to Murg, but you know, I am not sure about this one.  Certainly not sure enough to bet $100, but maybe $75, if the math works out right.

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