Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Coming home for Thanksgiving

In talking with college age parents, and a lot of first years, everyone is exicted that their kids are coming home. I am one of those who is excited that my kid is coming home for Thanksgiving; a second year.

It brought me back to when I came home from College, all 17 miles. By Thanksgiving I had just gotten into a pattern and a groove. The trip home disrupted that pattern although I was glad to be going home. I had a lot of studying to do, so I took books home and with all good intentions tried to study, but too many distractions. My younger siblings were really glad to see me, and I was glad to see them. My parents were also glad to see me, the house was full again.

Some years we traveled to MacLean to visit Mama, but most years we stayed in Brandon. It was usually a really nice break before the sprint to the end of exams.

Thanksgiving is a pretty uncharged holiday. The spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving prevail.

We are "coming" home for Thanksgiving, meaning we are sitting tight in Lexington. We have an invitation to join a family for THE MEAL, which means we don't have to do a ton of work.

A few years ago, we had a family reunion at Stowe Flake and most of the family was there. Meg first met a lot of the family during that weekend. That was a great Thanksgiving memory, along with the others from prior years.

I am glad to be "coming" home for Thanksgiving, and glad she is coming home.

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