Sunday, March 22, 2009

Burying my grief in a shuffling Ipod

After my last post, I took our dog for a walk. My iPod is on shuffle, so the first song was Ave Maria, Pavarotti and friends. It was kismet that this was my first song. As I always do with my favorite songs, I rewound that song 3 times. Then came on Alan Sherman 12 days of Christmas. Back to back Pavarotti and Alan Sherman, huh? Yes, my preferred mode of listening is shuffle. It validates my ENFP MBTI type. The last song as I walked up the front steps was put on by C, last year for my birthday, a Phish.

Night grief is made easier by:

rising sun
walk with the dog
shuffling iPod
laughing at myself


Des Pieri, ChangeAgentDes said...

Sally, reading your blog posts of this week, and seeing the picture of your outstretched arms, I'm sure all of us wish we were with you to give you a big hug. I'm sorry for what the three of you are going through. Des

melbajean said...

Your I-Pod and Shuffle needs The Red Hot Chili Peppers singing How Deep Is Your Love (originally by The Bee Gees). I've cried to it many times, but it's such an odd cover that you can't help but laugh! Feel better soon. --S.

Always Asking Why said...

Des and Sherri

Thanks for your thoughts on our grief. Virtual hugs are good.