Monday, March 9, 2009

This is SO Spring in New England and EDT

Yesterday was beautiful, sunny 60 degrees, some snow left and lots of mud. I actually only wore a coat at 9:30 at night, when I picked up my car from the "Park and Ride" at Fidelity in NH.

Today, waking up an hour earlier than I was supposed to, coz of EDT, there is snow on the ground. Wet slushy snow still falling.

Everyone I know at work has an EDT hangover and combine that with a snow, has really slowed things down here. I have met several people at the coffee machine, moving in slo mo, getting another cup of coffee.

We live in New England because of the change in seasons, right? Well this last 18 hours there has been a lot of season changing. I know that the sun will be around later than usual tonight, and it might still be behind those snow clouds but it is there.

Happy Spring, Happy Winter, Happy Spring, Happy Winter . . . repeat rinse

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