Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gratitude - our latest covenant group topic

On Wednesday our covenant group discussed gratitude. Believe it or not, on first blush it is a very upbeat topic but the group was very pensive and quiet and thoughtful for most of the session.

We asked everyone to think about one thing that they are extremey grateful for and mine was "I am grateful that I allow myself to be me." This does not sound very high priestesslike but for me it has been a challenge. One of the downfalls of my Colors, is that I take care of others' needs and often forget to take care of myself. My most recent boss said at my mid-year review "I want you to show more of you. I want you to be you as much as you can." WOW!!! Was I being other than myself? Yes, I was.

Since I am in HR, I have to be guarded at times. I cannot swear like a trooper, tell off color jokes, show favoritism, or be inappropriate at all. This is a constraint. Also, since I guide managers through difficult conversations with their employee, there is also a pocket of people who I have coached through difficult times. What would they think if 5 minutes later I am laughing my head off. OK, what does that matter? Yes, that is the point, what does that matter, BE YOURSELF.

I am trying this out at work. I was a lot more animated and playful this week. That is me. A lot more energetic and a lot more laughing came out of this body this week and that is me. I was questioned about how much coffee I had this morning, because the real sally showed up. I was asked what was different.

Get used to it guys and gals, Sarah the 7th generation of them, aka the High Priestess has come out of her shell (OMG, was I in a shell, that has never been the case) rephrased - is trying to be as genuine and authentic as possible without losing her job as a great HR person.

Obviously I am not going to be giggling through a conversation where someone is about to be told they need to find another job, but I will join the playful activity of nerf gun attacks and the very playful activity that occured in the kitchenette this week: first person drew a "plan on a plate" second person "plate on a plan" third person "paper on a plate on a plan" fourth person "napkin on a paper on a plate on a plan".

So, I am grateful that I allow myself to be me, and there is a long list of other things that I am grateful for, every day, every hour, every minute. Stopping to reflect on gratitude was a great topic for us.

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