Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Virtual work - some learnings

On a subgroup at work we are exploring the whole idea of virtual work

There are 3 broad definitions of workers we slot into virtual work:

1.Distributed Workforce – work out of an Intuit site and spend some portion of their time working with peers, directs or manager across sites or with external partners to get work done.

2.Flex Location – employees who work regularly/frequently off-site part-time (e.g. at home, on airplanes, from hotels) or from some combination of locations during their day or week.

3.100% work-from-home or non-Intuit site – employees working remote all the time…never (or hardly ever) work at an Intuit location.

Once again, I realize what a great company I work for. I went to a NEHRA session on virtual work today, and I had to stop myself from saying, "We do that." too many times.

However, always learning I did absorb a few things:
  • Shifting mindset of leaders is very important, and as soon as you show them the numbers they will jump on board
  • The legal liabilities are just roadblocks, and can be overcome
  • Need to think about career development and promotional opportunities for virtual workers
  • Really important; not everyone can work virtual, and not every job can be virtual
  • Communication to co-workers is really important
  • Measure the business units, and publish who is NOT supportive


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