Monday, March 14, 2011

Not on the Map or you cannot write the script

I learned a new analogy on Sunday during the sermon. Peter was talking about Japan and the tsunami and how we cannot know that these things are going to happen. They were not on our map when we set out on this journey. What I have said up until now was "you cannot write the script (for life)". My Aunt Susie said this to me once and it has stuck with me since then. I have used this with a lot of the people I coach. Now I have another way to say it, "that was not on our map". Another friend said about her kids once, "they didn't come with an instruction booklet".

These three expressions are all suggestions that we are sorta in control of things in our lives, but not really. The sooner we realize that we cannot write the script, or draw the map, or read the instruction manual, then we might find it easier to enjoy right now.

This sounds pretty philosophical but it helps me explain events like Japan, when I cannot attribute it to God or a god. Grace happens as does the opposite.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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