Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another confusing conversation

Last week, S at work and I talked horses. She grew up competing and we talked about a lot including Chosen by a Horse and the new one Chosen Forever. I told her I would bring in the second one.

Here is the conversation we just had:

ME "I am on page 239."

S slight delay and puzzled look "Do you have 2 of them?" (Thinking I was still reading the book.

ME slight delay and also puzzled look "I am ON page 239."

S "How do . . . do you have 2 of them?"

ME Light dawns on Marblehead, "I am IN page 239 of the book, I AM IN THE BOOK."

S slight delay light dawns on Marblehead "Oh, you are IN the book. You ARE page 239."

Language is such an interesting tool, which sometimes works and sometimes does not. I am sure this is MBTI related.


Sharon Hershon said...

I'm the S (Sharon here). Having never been the on/in/are of any page, of any book of literary note, the concept was just way, way beyond me.

I'll never feel safe saying "I'm on page x" again.

Sharon Hershon said...

Oh, and BTW, Sally is ON pages 239, 240, 241 AND 242. I'm looking forward to reading it in context but the gist is Sally's a sound person and a good friend. Lovely.

Always Asking Why said...

Thanks Sharon, you made my Friday. Not many people read, and then comment on my blog