Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Holidays and then the flurry after - accelerate through the wobble

Working the last 2 weeks of December was very relaxing, because a lot of people were on vacation. Work did not start up until January 5th because of the way the calendar worked this year, and many of my work mates traveled that first week in January, so this week has been crazy, with everyone back in the office. In addition, a ton of people chose this week, to schedule big meetings and to visit.

I did not get to yoga either time this week, and it is my fault. Cannot blame anyone else for not taking care of me. I am going to find another yoga class that I can substitute, when the tuesday and thursday morning one does not work for me. There is one at 5:45 am on those mornings, BUT even I am not that crazy.

It is January 14th, and I feel like I have been through a month of work since those 2 precious weeks. This is the cycle of work I think. Flat out, pedal to the metal, and then a bit of relaxing. Rinse, repeat.

Tomorrow is the craziest day, with a professional meeting at 7:30am, women's network meeting at 10, calls from 12pm-5pm and somewhere in there I drive to the airport to pick Bee up from Logan, since she is returning from her trip to Egypt and Greece.

Something will have to drop tomorrow, or like the speed wobble that we talked about earlier this year after a leadership conference. "Accelerate through the wobble". I don't have the reference handy, but might remember to post it once I find it.

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