Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the tree and related tensions

In our house there is always tension around the tree.

When to buy it? (We buy it in between our 2 December birthdays)

How big should it be? (I always want small, but Murg and Bee usually want bigger than me. This year, we got a perfect size tree, but not without testing a lot by holding them up.)

and most recently When should we get rid of it?

A fellow blogger published a poem that indicates 1/31/xxxx is a good date. As data to influence Murg, I sent that poem on.

His return email said we should start a new tradition of 12th night, which coincides with our local curb side pick-up date, but unfortunately in that same email taken from the town website, it said we have until 1/31 to take it to the DPW.

My return email, read only that last part and said "OK so we can take it to the DPW on the 31st?" Murg proposed a meeting to take it to the DPW on 1/10.

My counter proposal was to take it to Coniston, and put it on our burn pile.

This back and forth allowed me to let go of the tree, so last night we put away, MOST of the Christmas things. We always forget to put away something. This year it was a mug and glass. So the tension only is for a month, unless we leave the tree up until 1/31, then there is tension for 6 weeks.

My Uncle Chuck always left the tree up until April. His cleaning lady once took it out at Valentine's Day and he went outside and brought it back in. I am with him on this one . . .


Chris said...

We take the tree out on the last morning there's curbside tree pickup for our neighborhood. This year, that was today.

I hope this doesn't sound too grinchy, but I love taking down the tree. I truly enjoy Christmas and New Years and all that go with them, but I breathe a huge sigh of relief every year when The Season is over.

Always Asking Why said...

OK, you agree with Murg then. I am glad when the tree is down, but I don't love taking it down.

Chris said...

Super! (Who or what is "Murg?")

Always Asking Why said...

Murg, a certain Geordie's bowling name and "middle" name. Also Indian for chicken I think . . .

Unknown said...

I always like to get my tree about a week before Christmas so I can enjoy the scent long after Christmas is over. This year the two snowstorms the weekend before Christmas really screwed up my decorating schedule, so I actually put the last 20-30 ornaments on the tree at 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve. It was kind of fun, so I think I may save some to do on Christmas Eve next year also. The joke this year was that I broke the tree topper ornament when I put it on and couldn't find a replacement that I liked before or after Christmas. I even took pictures, which I think is a big accomplishment for someone who practically gets out the ruler to put the ornaments and beads on the tree!

Always Asking Why said...

Shall I be cheeky and ask what the ruler is for? We have too many decorations at this point, coz santa brings some every year in our stockings. Even after giving Chris all of his for his tree, we still have too many. We select from the box, the ones we want. This year with a smaller tree, we used even less than normal. I do love the evergreen scent in the house for the few days after the tree is put up, and I love to turn off the lights and just sit and "watch" the tree.

Unknown said...

I'm really picky (big surprise) about how the beads, the ribbon and the ornaments are placed on the tree. The beads are especially hard to drape and evenly spaced around the tree and up the tree. In the end, I love the way it looks! And so instead of using a ruler, looking at previous pictures of my Christmas trees often helps me get the spacing correct!