Thursday, February 12, 2009

OMG - my Brain so full after yesterday

Yesterday, I attended a NEHRA conference. The first 2 sessions I went to were unbelievable. The third one not so good . . .

This one on trust was presented by Michelle Reina. 2 comments that she made caught by attention in the first 5 mintues

"In all relationships trust will be built and trust will be broken" WOW, so this is not an abnormal thing. This is part of doing business with our fellow homo sapiens. The important skill is to learn how to rebuild trust, and acknowledge and name when it has happened.

"90% of behaviors that break trust are unintentional" WOW, so my mantra of ASSUME POSITIVE INTENT gets reinforced again. It is hard for me to always remember this.

The second presenter, I called her the Brain Lady, first went over the brain make-up, and the hormones that work with the brain. The topic was coaching managers, but with the brain stuff as the backdrop. In order for managers and us as well to change behaviors, we actually have to rewire the brain and replace the old habit with the new habit in the pre-frontal cortex (PFC).

I am sure there will be more posts about the conference. Brain is very full and needs to process all I heard.

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