Friday, December 12, 2008

What we bring up to Coniston

Last night, as I was falling asleep, Rod was packing a box of books to take with us this weekend to Coniston. He has already taken several boxes up there.

Walking around at work it got me to think about what I want to bring up there and leave. Unfinished knitting projects. To get them out of the way? NO! To make room for more unfinished projects? NO!! Because at Coniston, I have more time and might finish them with less distractions around.

I first thought of bringing up some of my stashes e.g. yarn, fabric, craft books. However, if I start splitting those, then I might need something in MA that is in VT and visa versa.

So I might start bringing up projects, put in bags of unfinished knitting projects and then start finishing them up there.

It is interesting to think about what we want to take and leave up there, and what we want to keep around us the majority of the time.

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